Book Contents
Ag Help Wanted:
Guidelines for Managing Agricultural Labor

Pref | Intro | Ideas | Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Refs

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     Title Pages

     Index (not in the printed book)


Ideas in Practice
     100 Years of Experience: Priceless
     Diversification Benefits Farm Workers and the Farm Business
     Investment in Communication Pays Quick Dividends
     Workplace Program Enhances Orchard Operation and Personal Lives
     Taking over the Family Farm: The Great Divide
     Respect Plus Open Communication Makes a Winning Combination

Chapter 1. Roles and Responsibilities of an Agricultural Employer
     Roles and Responsibilities of an Agricultural Employer
     Need to Be a Manager
          * Functions of Management
          * Types of Activity in Managerial Roles
     Managers’ Theories
     Recognizing and Managing Risks
     Managing for Compliance and Beyond
     Essentials for the Manager
     Getting up and Keeping up as a Manager of People

Pref | Intro | Ideas | Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Refs

Chapter 2. Organizational Planning
     Organizational Planning
     Taking Stock
     The Mission Statement
     Goals as Targets for Success
     Setting Goals
          * Examples of Goals in Agriculture
     Organizational Structure
     Agricultural Jobs
     Applying Ergonomic Principles
     Assessing Needs for Labor and the Current Workforce
     Assessing Managerial Capacity
     Family Business Points
     Operating within Legal Bounds
          * Coverage Varies
          * Unlawful Discrimination
          * Health and Safety
          * Compliance Information
     Engaging Labor through Contractors
          * Legal Considerations in Contracting
          * Before Getting Started
     Personnel Records

Pref | Intro | Ideas | Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Refs

Chapter 3. Staffing the Farm Business
     Who Gets to Work in an Agricultural Business
     Choosing to Hire a Capable Workforce
          * Approaches to Selection
          * Hiring Less Than the Best
          * Employee Selection as Prediction
          * Layoff and Recall Priorities
     Steps in a Hiring Process
     Clarifying the Job Content
          * Value of Job Descriptions
          * Writing Job Descriptions
          * Recruiting
          * H-2A Agricultural Work Visas
     Assessing Applicants
          * Lawful and Unlawful Discrimination
          * The Preliminary Interview
          * Written Applications and Resumes
          * Tests
          * Interviews
              - Structuring Interviews
              - Interview Context and Conduct
          * Checking References
     Making and Communicating the Decision
          * Offering the Job
          * Notifying Other Applicants
     Orienting New Employees

Pref | Intro | Ideas | Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Refs

Chapter 4. Supervising Agricultural Work
     Supervising Agricultural Work
     Employees Who Supervise
          * Supervisors’ Place and Role
          * Lonely in the Middle
          * Views of Good Supervision
     Assigning Work, Delegating, and Getting Things Done
          * Why Not Delegate
          * To Delegate or Not
          * Delegation and Personnel Development
          * Delegation Technique
     Supervisory Decision-Making Styles
          * Deciding to Manage
          * Levels of Employee Participation
          * The Right Approach
              - Attributes of the Manager
              - Attributes of Employees
              - Attributes of the Situation
     Leadership and Power in Supervision
          * Leaders and Managers
          * Leaders Influence People
          * Supervisory Power to Influence
     Managing Supervisory Work
          * Good Management for Better Supervision
     Supporting Teamwork
          * Stages in Team Development
          * Suggestions for the Supervisor

Pref | Intro | Ideas | Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Refs

Chapter 5. Managing Employee Performance
     Managing Employee Performance
     Enabling and Building High Performance
     Enhancing Employee Ability
          * Training Needs
          * Training Methods
     Motivation and Work
          * Needs-Based Views of Motivation
          * An Expectancy Framework
          * Rewards from Work
     Pay and Performance
          * Time-Based Pay Structures
              - Job Factors and Comparisons for Internal and External Equity
              - Individual Factors and Means for Advancement
              - Influences of Wage Structures
          * Incentive Plans to Strengthen the Pay-Performance Linkage
              - Individual Piecework
              - Sharing Plans
              - Group Output Plans
          * Considering Change in the Pay System
          * Legal Requirements and Constraints
          * Workers Compensation Insurance
          * Health Care Insurance
          * Farm Labor Housing
          * Aligning Benefits with Business Objectives
     Assessing Employee Performance
          * Ingredients of Performance Appraisal
          * Utility of Performance Appraisal
          * Structuring Appraisal Systems
              - Who Appraises
              - When to Appraise
              - What to Measure
          * Better Instruments for More Useful Appraisals
              - The Legal and Regulatory Angle
              - Validity and Reliability
          * Types of Appraisal Instruments

Pref | Intro | Ideas | Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Refs

Chapter 6. Communication and Problem Solving
     Communication and Problem Solving
     Formal Communication and Written Documents
          * Communicating the Employment Contract
          * Policies and Employee Handbooks
     Standards, Correction, and Discipline
          * Policies to Guide Disciplinary Action
              - Discipline Policy Elements
              - A Sample Guide and its Limits
              - Specific Policy Topics: Substance Abuse and Harassment
              - Appeals and Tests for Justice
              - Discharge from Employment
          * Dealing One-on-One When Things Go Wrong
              - Types of Responses
              - Various Uses and Effects
          * Addressing Conflicts
              - Conflict Management Styles
     Interpersonal Communications
          * Communication Skills
              - Active Listening
              - Speaking
              - Body Language
          * Applying Skills to Situations
              - Giving and Receiving Criticism
              - Moving from Resistance to Problem Solving
              - Personal Advice
          * Considering Culture and Language Differences
              - Cultural Interpretations
              - Bridging a Language Barrier
          * Staff Meetings
          * The Exit Interview

Pref | Intro | Ideas | Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Refs



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