Book Index
Ag Help Wanted:
Guidelines for Managing Agricultural Labor


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absenteeism, 198, 202
active listening skills, 220-221
ADA. See Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
ADEA (Age Discrimination in Employment Act), 55
advertising, recruiting workers, 83-85
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 55, 57, 4
Albemarle Paper Company versus Moody, 185
alcohol abuse, 198, 202, 205-207
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 55, 57, 90
          job descriptions and, 77
          reasonable accommodations, 146
          See also federal laws and regulations
appeals process, disciplinary actions, 208-209
appraisal systems. See assessing employee performance
assessing employee performance, 177-189
          elements of performance appraisal process, 178-179
          employee's view of good appraisal, 180
          employer's view of good appraisal, 180
          legal issues and appraisal instruments, 184-185
          measurement options, 183-184
          structuring appraisal systems, 181-184
          types of appraisal instruments, 187-189
          validity and reliability of appraisal instruments, 185-187
          value of appraisal, 179-181
          when to appraise, 183
          who appraises, 182-183
assessing job applicants, 86-99
          discrimination and, 89-90
          information-gathering steps, 89
          interviews, 94-97
          matrix format, 87-88
          preliminary interview, 90-91
          reference checking, 97, 99
          tests, 92-94
          written applications and resumes, 91-92
assumptions about human nature and work, 20-21
"at-will" employment, discharge of employee and, 199
auditory learners, 151

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Banner, John and Kelly, 8
BARS (behaviorally anchored rating scales), 188-189
Bear Creek Corp., 9-10, 196-197
behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), 188-189
Bell's Nurseries Ltd., 5-6
benefits, 172-177
          assessing the benefits package, 172
          business objectives and, 174-177
          health care insurance, 173
          housing, 173-174
          workers' compensation insurance, 173
bias in hiring interviews, 94, 95
          See also discrimination
bias in performance appraisal, 186-187
Blanchard, Kenneth, 127
Blue Boulder Farms, 116
body language, 225-226
bonus plans and pay, 168
Bork, David, 51
Branham, Leigh, 113
Brito versus Zia Company, 185
Bubba Hart Shrimp, 174-177
business plans, 31, 32


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Carlisle Nursery, 167
case studies
          benefits at shrimp business, 175-176
          communicating company policies, 196-197
          greenhouse worker duties, 87
          job ads, 83, 84-85
          job applicant assessment, 100
          new supervisors at orchard, 136, 137
          personnel decisions hurt employer, 24-26
          piecework pay, 167, 169
          planning for growth of dairy, 45-50
          ranch hand and motivation, 158
          supervisor's duties, 116
          supervisor's problems in nursery, 108
          taking stock of dairy business, 33
          See also ideas in practice
central tendency bias in performance appraisal, 186
checklist methods for performance appraisal, 188
checklists and worksheets
          goal setting, 37
          labor estimate worksheets, 47-50
Chilcott Dairy, 13
child labor laws, 55-56
Civil Rights Act, 55, 57, 207
Civil Service Reform Act, 185
coaching, advantages and disadvantages, 129
code of conduct for employees, 198, 204
coercive power, 133-134
communication skills
          approaches to confrontation, 229-230
          body language, 225-226
          criticism, giving and receiving, 226-227
          cultural and language differences, 231-235
          goal-setting process and, 11-12
          "I" messages, 223-224
          interpersonal communications overview, 219-220
          listening skills, 220-221
          personal advice, 228
          problem solving and, 191, 227-228
          "red flag" words and phrases, 224
          speaking skills, 222-224
          and supervisors, 8
          types of responses to performance problems, 210-214
comparative techniques for performance appraisal, 187-188
compliance information, federal laws, 56-58
conduct code for employees, 198, 204
          assessing problems, 216
          with employees as a risk, 23
          management styles, 216-217
          managing, 215-218
          sample conflict resolution handling, 218
contractors. See farm labor contractors (FLCs)
contrast error and performance appraisal, 187
Cooper, Dennis, 41
cowboy comments on motivation, 158
crew foreman. See supervisors
crew leaders. See farm labor contractors (FLCs)
critical incident technique for performance appraisal, 188
criticism, giving and receiving, 226-227
cultural differences, communication and, 231-233


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Daft, Richard, 27-28
dairy business, 13, 33, 45-50
decision-making styles for supervision, 122-129
          employee attributes and, 126
          employee participation in, 123-125
          manager's attributes and, 125-126
          situational issues and, 127-129

delegation of work by supervisor, 115-120
          advantages and disadvantages, 129
          decision-making process for, 118-119
          personnel development through, 119-120
          process steps, 121
          when not to delegate, 115-117
Department of Labor. See U.S. Dept. of Labor (DOL)
differences in pay, 163-165
directing, advantages and disadvantages, 128-129
discharge of employee, 209
          "at-will" employment and, 199
          exit interview, 236-237
disciplinary issues, 198-218
          appeals process, 208-209
          code of conduct for employees, 198, 204
          discharging employee, 209
          documenting steps taken, 201
          policy elements, 199-201
          responses to problems, 210-215
          sample policy, 204
          sequence of disciplinary steps, 202
          sexual harassment, 207-208
          substance abuse, 205-207
          unacceptable performance examples, 202
          written record of incident, 201
disclosure requirements for job offers, 101
          assessing job applicants and, 89-90
          unlawful discrimination, 54-55
diversification of business, 7
DOL. See U.S. Dept. of Labor (DOL)
DOT. See U.S. Dept. of Transportation (DOT)
Drucker, Peter, 31, 131
drug abuse, 198, 202, 205-207
Drug-free Workplace Advisor, 206
drug testing, DOT regulations, 56


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          workplace learning program, 9-10
          See also training of employees
EEOA. See Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA)
EEOC. See U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
emotional intelligence (EI), 27, 28
          leadership and, 132
employee handbooks, 193-195
          sample contents of, 195
employee performance, 145-189
          assessing performance, 177-189
          benefits and, 172-177
          enabling high performance, 146-147
          high performance cycle, 147
          motivation and work, 152-158
          pay and, 159-171
          poor performance, causes of, 146
          training and, 148-152
employee turnover, low rate of, 13
English, using simple forms of, 233-234
"environmental intelligence," 27
EPA. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA), 90
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. See U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Equal Pay Act, 55, 57
ergonomic principles, 42
essay appraisal form, 188
esteem, 153-154
exit interview, 236-237
Expectancy Theory and motivation, 156-157
expenses. See indirect-labor expenses
experience is valued, Bell's Nurseries example, 5-6
expert power, 134
external equity and pay, 162-163


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Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 170-171
          information about, 59
family businesses
          communication styles and, 229-230
          Inaba Farms, 7
          Lindermeier farm, 11-12
          qualities of successful businesses, 51
          special planning issues and, 51-53
Farmer's Tax Guide, 54, 171
Farm Labor Contractor Safety and Health Guide, 58
farm labor contractors (FLCs), 62-65
          legal issues, 62-64
          liability of grower and, 63
          selection of, 64-65
favoritism and performance appraisal, 187
federal laws and regulations
          compliance information, 57-58
          federal agency resources, 59-60
          health and safety, 55-56
          IRS and taxes, 54
          unlawful discrimination, 54-55
          wages, 170-171
          See also legal issues; specific laws by name
field sanitation, 56
firing of employee. See discharge of employee
FLCs. See farm labor contractors (FLCs)
FLSA. See Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
forced distribution methods for performance appraisal, 188
Force for Change: How Leadership Differs from Management, 130-131
foreman. See supervisors
Form I-9, 59, 90
fringe benefits. See benefits


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GAO (General Accounting Office), 60
Gardner, John, 131
General Accounting Office, 60
          checklist for, 37
          examples of, 38
          goal-setting process, 11-12, 36-37
          SMAC criteria, 36
          as targets for success, 35-36
Goleman, Daniel, 27, 132-133
graphic rating scale for performance appraisal, 187
greenhouse worker job duties, 97
group output pay plans, 168
"guidelines" as used in this book, 4


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H-2A visa program
          information about, 59
          payroll taxes and, 54
          recruiting workers and, 86
halo effect
          interviewing applicants and, 94
          job promotion example, 136
          and performance appraisal, 186
harshness bias in performance appraisal, 186
health and safety regulations, 55-56
health care insurance, 173
Hershey, Paul, 127
Herzberg, F., 154-155
hierarchy of needs (Maslow), 153-154
High performance cycle, 147
hiring process procedures, 74-75
          See also staffing issues
housing as a benefit, 173-174
human nature and work, managers' theories about, 20-21
human resource management decisions, 24
          See also management; personnel management
Human Side of Enterprise (McGregor), 20-21


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I-9 Form, 59, 90
ideas in practice, 4
          communication skills and supervisors, 8
          diversification of business, 7
          employee turnover rate is low, 13
          experience is valued, 5-6
          goal-setting process, 11-12
          workplace learning program, 9-10
          See also case studies
"I" messages, 223-224
Immigration and Naturalization Services, resources of, 59
Immigration Reform and Control Act, 90
Inaba Farms, 7
incentive pay plans, 165-168
independent contractor status, 63-64
indirect-labor expenses, as risk, 22
influence, and leadership, 131-134
information-gathering steps, job applicant evaluation, 89
INS. See Immigration and Naturalization Services
internal equity and pay, 162
internal recruitment policy sample, 72
Internal Revenue Service, 60
          Farmer's Tax Guide, 54, 171
          publications on employment taxes, 171
interpersonal communications, 219-220
          See also communication skills
interviews of job applicants
          preliminary interview, 90-91, 94
          questions listed, 98
          sample of, 96
          structuring interviews, 95
          tips for successful communication, 96-97
intoxication. See substance abuse
IRS. See Internal Revenue Service


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job analysis, 80
          See also job descriptions
job applications, 91-92
job descriptions, 75-82
          elements of, 76
          sample of, 82
          supervisory position sample, 111-112
          value of, 77-80
          writing of, 80-91
"jobless" organizations and job descriptions, 81
job offers, 101
joint employer status, test for, 63-64
joint liability, grower and FLC, 63-64


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Keeping the People Who Keep You in Business (Branham), 113
Kilmann, Ralph, 216
kinesthetic learners, 151
Kotter, John, 130-131
Kouzes, J.M., 132


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labor availability, as risk, 22
labor camps, 173-174
labor management
          goal examples, 38
          labor estimate worksheets, 47-50
          needs assessment, 43-44
language differences, communication and, 233-235
late arrival of employee, 198, 199, 202
laws and regulations. See federal laws and regulations; state laws and regulations
layoff and recall priorities, 73-74
          decision-making styles and, 123-125
          essential activities of, 132
          and influence, 131-134
          and management, 130-131
          as management function, 17
          styles of, 132-133
          The Leadership Challenge, 132
learning. See education
learning styles and training, 151
legal issues
          avoiding problems by managing for compliance, 24-27
          compliance information, 56-58
          farm labor contractors (FLCs), 62-64
          health and safety rules, 55-56
          legal problems as risk, 23
          operating within the law, 53-54
          and performance appraisal instruments, 184-185
          taxes, 54
          unlawful discrimination, 54-55
          wage issue violations, examples of, 24-25
          wages, 170-171
          See also federal laws and regulations; state laws and regulations
legitimate power, 134
leniency bias in performance appraisal, 186
Lindermeier family farm, 11-12
listening skills, 220-221


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          assessing capacity for, 44
          essential skills for managers, 27-28
          functions of, 17-18
          goal-directed activity, 35-36
          and leadership, 130-131
          for legal compliance, 24-27
          managerial roles, 18
          managers' assumptions about people, 20-21
          professional development for managers, 28-29
          resources for, 29
          risk recognition and management, 21-23
          roles and responsibilities, 15-29
          and supervisors, 139-141
          and teamwork support, 141-143
          theory of, 19-21
          See also personnel management; staffing issues
Managers' Theories of Management (Miles), 19
Maslow, Abraham, 153-154
McGregor, Douglas, 20-21
medical insurance, 173
merit systems and pay, 163-164
Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, 54, 57
          disclosure requirements for job offers, 101
          housing requirements of, 173
          information about, 59
Miles, Raymond, 19
minimum wage provisions, 170
Mintzberg, Henry, 18
mission statement, 34-35
motivation, 152-158
          employees' concerns and, 155
          Expectancy Theory and, 156-157
          job attributes and, 42
          needs-based views of, 153-156
          rewards from work and, 157
Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Herzberg), 154-156
MSAWP. See Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act


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National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers, 42
Nature of Managerial Work (Mintzberg), 18
needs-based views of motivation, 153-156
non-wage expenses. See indirect-labor expenses
Nuņez Dairy, planning for growth, 45-50
nursery business, 5-6, 8, 84-85, 108, 167


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Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 55, 57
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA)
          housing rules, 173-174
          resources of, 57-58, 59
On Leadership, 131
orchard business, 9-10
organizational chart, 40
organizational planning, 31-65
          business plans and, 31, 32
          ergonomic principles, 42
          family businesses and, 51-53
          farm labor contractors (FLCs), 62-65
          goals as targets for success, 35-36
          goal-setting process, 11-12, 36-37
          jobs in agriculture and, 40-42
          labor needs assessment, 43-44
          legal issues, 53-61
          as management function, 17
          managerial capacity assessment, 44
          mission statement, 34-35
          organizational structure, 39-40
          personnel records, 65
          taking stock of the business, 31-33
organizational structure, 39-40
          supervisors and, 108-109
orientation of new workers, 103-105
          communicating company policies, 196-197
          See also training of employees
OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health Act; Occupational Safety and Health Administration
output-based pay plans, 165-168
overtime pay, 170


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paired comparison methods for performance appraisal, 188
paraphrasing statements, 221
participative decision making, 123-125
          benefits as percentage of total pay, 172
          changes in the pay system, 169-170
          choices managers make about pay, 160-161
          comparison of pay rates at three farms, 164-165
          differences in pay, 163-165
          and employee performance, 159-171
          incentive pay plans, 165-168
          legal requirements, 170-171
          study about, 159-160
          time-based pay structures, 161-165
          wage structures, 161-165
payroll taxes
          publication about, 57
          requirements and recordkeeping, 54
          withholding requirements, 171
performance management. See employee performance
personality tests, 93
personnel management
          decisions and outcomes involved in, 24
          goal examples, 38
          personnel records, 65
          policies and procedures in employee handbooks, 193-195
          resources for, 29
          See also management; staffing issues
pesticide use, EPA and, 56
physiological need, 153-154
piecework pay, 166-167, 169
planning. See organizational planning
policies and procedures, in employee handbooks, 193-195
Posner, B.Z., 132
power types and supervisors, 133-135
predictive nature of worker selection, 73
preliminary interview, job applicants, 90-91
problem solving, communication skills, 191, 227-228
process theories and motivation, 156-157
productivity. See employee performance
progressive delegation, 120
progressive discipline, 201-202
          See also disciplinary issues
promotional only jobs, 72
promotion example, problems with, 136-138
Public Agenda Foundation study, 159-160


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quality of work, as risk, 22


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ranking methods for performance appraisal, 188
reasonable accommodations, 146
recency error and performance appraisal, 187
          disciplinary issues, 201
          payroll taxes, 54
          wage and tax requirements, 170-171
recruiting workers, 83-85
"red flag" words and phrases, 224
reference checking, job applicants, 97, 99
referent power, 134
reframing statements, 221
rejecting job applicants, 101-102
rejection letter sample, 102
reliability and validity of appraisal instruments, 185-187
repetitive stress injuries. See work-related musculo-skeletal disorders (WMSDs)
resumes, 91-92
reward power, 133-134
rewards from work and motivation, 157
risk recognition and management, 21-23
Rosa Orchards, 136, 137
RSI. See work-related musculo-skeletal disorders (WMSDs)


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safety. See health and safety regulations
safety need, 153-154
sanitation, 56
seasonal employment, offering more season-long employment, 7
selection of workers. See staffing issues
self-actualization, 153-154
self-appraisal, 182
sexual harassment, 56, 207-208
Shapley, Allen, 15
sharing plans and pay, 168
short-term goals, SMAC criteria, 36
shrimp business, 174-177
similarity bias and performance appraisal, 186-187
Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers, 42
sleeping on the job, 198, 202
SMAC criteria, for short-term goals, 36
Smith, Terry, 32
Smithers' dairy, 33
smoking on the job, 198, 202
social need, 153-154
speaking skills, 222-224
          See also communication skills
staffing issues
          adding more people, reasons for, 16
          assessing applicants, 86-99
          decisions about applicants, 99-102
          H-2A visa program, 86
          hiring process procedures, 74-75
          internal recruitment policy sample, 72
          job descriptions, 75-82
          layoff and recall priorities, 73-74
          as management function, 17
          offering the job, 101
          orientation of new workers, 103-105
          overview, 67-68
          predictive nature of worker selection, 73
          promotional only jobs, 72
          recruiting workers, 83-85
          rejecting applicants, 101-102
          selection approaches, 70-71
          selection of capable workers, 69-74
staff meetings, 235-236
standardized simulation tests, 93
state laws and regulations
          employment law resources, 61
          health and safety, 55-56
          unlawful discrimination, 54-55
          wages, 170-171
          See also legal issues
Stat-USA, 60
substance abuse, 198, 202, 205-207
Summary of Federal Laws and Regulation Affecting Agricultural Workers, 57
          as appraisers of employees, 182
          assigning work, 115-121
          common problem in management of, 139
          communication skills as qualification for, 8
          decision-making styles, 122-129
          employees as, 107-114
          job description sample, 111-112
          leadership and, 130-133
          management and supervisors, 139-141
          managing supervisory work, 135-138
          power and, 133-135
          qualities of a good supervisor, 113-114
          role of, 108-110
          teamwork support, 141-143
          tips for success as, 114
supporting style, advantages and disadvantages, 129
systematic approach to worker selection, 71


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tactual learners, 151
          Farmer's Tax Guide, 54
          withholding requirements, 171
teamwork support, 141-143
          stages in development, 142
          supervisors and, 142-143
"technical intelligence," 27
testing job applicants, 92-94
Theory X and Theory Y, 20-21
Thomas, Kenneth, 216
time-based pay structures, 161-165
          differences in pay, 163-165
          external equity, 162-163
          internal equity, 162
training of employees, 148-152
          design principles for training, 150
          methods of, 149-151
          need for, 148-149
          See also education; orientation of new workers
turnover of employees, low rate of, 13


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unlawful discrimination, 54-55
          assessing job applicants and, 89-90
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), 57, 60
          joint-employment criteria, 63-64
U.S. Dept. of Labor (DOL), 60
          Drug-free Workplace Advisor, 206
          H-2A program and, 86
          resources of, 58, 59
U.S. Dept. of Transportation (DOT)
          regulations, 56
          resources of, 60
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 56, 59
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 54
          performance measures and, 185
          resources of, 60
U.S. Social Security Administration, resources of, 59-60


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vacation time. See benefits
validity and reliability of appraisal instruments, 185-187
visa program. See H-2A visa program
visual learners, 151


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wage issue violations, examples of, 24-25
wages. See pay
wage structures, 161-165
warnings and discipline, 201, 202, 210-211
website,, 4
Western states
          employment law resources, 61
          See also state laws and regulations
withholding tax requirements. See payroll taxes
WMSDs (work-related musculo-skeletal disorders), 42
worker productivity. See employee performance
Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides, 56
workers' compensation insurance, 173
workers' compensation laws, 55
work-related musculo-skeletal disorders (WMSDs), 42
worksheets. See checklists and worksheets
written documents
          employee handbooks, 193-195
          importance of, 192
          warning and discipline, 201, 202, 210-211


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Zaleznik, Abraham, 131

Indexing by Nancy Mulvany, Bayside Indexing Service.

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